Will the real Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez please stand up?
The Anthony's, the parents of accused baby killer Casey Anthony, were forced to give a deposition in the civil case against their daughter brought upon by a woman who has the same name as the infamous vanishing nanny that Casey Anthony claims kidnapped her daughter and then killed her, leaving her steps from her parent's home.
But first a recent update on the case is mind blowing, in that the judge assigned to the case has filed a complaint to the BAR Association against Casey Anthony's attorney.
Many people believe the reason behind this complaint is a deposition by a private investigator who apparently was seen on tape searching the very area and woods where little Caylee's body was later eventually discovered, in the video he is on the telephone seemingly getting instructions from someone on the telephone about where to search for Caylee. He was at the time the private investigator for the Anthony family or Casey's attorney, this is still unclear to me. The PI tells authorities that someone told him that if he should find Caylee's body that he should NOT call 911. Only Judge Strickland knows who gave the PI those instructions, and perhaps this was the reason behind the complaint.
It is utterly disgusting for me to believe that somehow the Anthony's or Casey's lawyer knew that Caylee was in the woods by admission of the murderer and that they were looking for it themselves. To do what with? Move the body? Get rid of it? Help their daughter beat this conviction at the expense of justice for Caylee?
Who is on Caylee's side?
Now we move on to this George Anthony deposition. and George Anthony Hostile
George is answering questions in the civil defamation lawsuit brought on by the real Zenaida, who wants to clear her name as her life was turned upside down by this family.
George is hostile, rude, arrogant at times ridiculous. At times it seems the lies coming out of his mouth are unbelievable even to his own ears. He believes in his daughter? What? He keeps threatening to leave. George you are NOT above the law so sit down and answer the questions. Maybe this is because Cindy Anthony was going to be deposed first, but very intelligently they switched the order, I bet so that George was caught off guard as I am sure he was planning to just repeat what Cindy said as per her instructions. Further the Anthony's brought in their own video camera to film themselves. Why?
George states he still believes there is another Zanny Nanny running around out there because his daughter says so. He thinks this civil case is frivolous and yet turns to Zenaida and says he wants to apologize to her and shake her hand. I bet that really pissed Cindy off!
I think this civil case is the only way to remove doubt about this woman being involved, had she not brought these charges against this family and got them on record stating she is not in fact the Zanny they are referring to, many conspiracy theorist out there would have continued to suspect her until the very end.
Now on to Cindy Anthony's deposition. She doesn't wait long to get testy and sarcastic, she acts like she doesn't even know why she is there and the first question has not even been asked before she asks for the "relevance" of it all. She rolls her eyes takes a drink, no respect at all for anyone.
It gets worse. This is Cindy's time to shine, to cast doubt on her daughter's guilt, to poison the jury pool. She claims many things, things that she has never claimed before, like that she had many phone numbers and addresses for Zanny, oh but wait, Jesse Grund, Casey ex-boyfriend was the one who called the nanny "Zanny", that Casey merely called her "the babysitter".
Cindy Anthony has often made comments about Jesse as she wants everyone to believe he is the true murderer. Sorry Cindy but no one is going to believe that crap and if you had many phone numbers for this babysitter and addresses, then where are they? She states she no longer has them.
The lies are so ridiculous that squirmed while watching her.
I want this all to end with Casey behind bars forever.
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