Friday, July 8, 2011

Casey Anthony will walk free.

Isn’t it Ironic?

*the above is an example of what grieving may look like.

To say that I am shocked at the verdict of the Casey Anthony case is an understatement. I am not only shocked but I am chilled to the bone. First I want to acknowledge that this entire episode, the last 3 years, the murder of her daughter, all can end up being the best thing that could have happened to Casey Marie Anthony.

Not only did she get away with murder and was found innocent, but she will now under the law be able to profit substantially from her daughter’s murder and her experience. She will in the end not ever have to get a real job as she has always liked it. She will not have to be bothered by the responsibility of taking care of her child and is now free to surround herself with the many strange fans out there that will become her lackeys. But most importantly she has gotten rid of her parents, to her pleasure her father in particular, no more having to deal with those two, let them rot and grow old in their little house at Hopespring drive surrounded by memories of Caylee.

I am chilled to bone that this sociopath, this pathological liar and emotionless woman has never had to pay for the consequences of her actions, not even after stealing money from her sick grandfather or stealing checks from grandma and her close friends, to then go splurge on her boyfriend and herself while knowing her daughter lay rotting in the woods near her parents. What lesson does this teach her? It solidifies her belief that she can do no wrong. I am convinced she will kill again.

According to her 3rd story of what happened, Caylee was never missing. This means that while hundreds of people volunteered their time, and lots of money was being donated to her family, she was standing by and letting it happen and continuously claiming the false kidnapping. While Eqquasearch and Tim Miller were pouring all of their resources into finding Caylee while having to turn down other families of missing kids that needed him, this entire time, Casey continued to lie to everyone and watched as people cried over her missing child and suffered in fear. Her lawyer back in 2008 was on television proclaiming the real kidnappers and Caylee will be found. The drowning story that snowed the jury had not yet been made up. While all this was happening, while she was on the news proclaiming there was a kidnapper, while the detectives asked her repeatedly to tell them where Caylee was, she kept it to herself. She pretended to cry and worry about a child she knew was dead. She told her parents they were in danger and being watched. Her mothered begged for her to tell her who was watching.

Tim Miller has stated that he is seeking to sue her for a return of the money Eqquasearch spent on the false searches. I agree.

When I heard the verdict I felt like my head was underwater. When I heard the jury was back after 11 hours and had not asked to review evidence or request read backs or even ask the judge a question on law, I knew it was not a good sign.

Many people began to ride the “the prosecution did not prove their case” train. While others hopped on the “Jose Baez is amazing” train. The only thing the defense was successful in doing was confusing the jury on what reasonable doubt is and describing the law in a way that made them believe that the cause of death was needed even for the lesser of the two charges, when in reality there are cases where there are no bodies, cause of death due to bones has not been determined and murderers still go to jail. In tricking the jury they were successful. However, I blame the jury for taking the word of the defense without consulting and looking at the evidence, ignoring opening statements as they were instructed to do as these were not to be considered as evidence. That included the story of the drowning and description of how it happened and the sex abuse. They were instructed that they were not to consider these two claims unless the defense backs it with evidence.

The only thing the defense had to support the drowning was that Caylee liked to swim and could maybe climb the pool ladder alone, an action that no one ever saw her do. The prosecution was successful in proving that Cindy Anthony removed the pool ladder on June 16th as she always said she did. They had the evidence proving the drowning could not have happened between the 9:00am and 2:00pm due to Casey’s computer entries and her IMs with friends. This evidence was objected on by the defense while the jury was out of the room, because the defense claimed they were not going to offer a time for the drowning. They were peddling a made up story and offered no time for the drowning, how could the jury have not seen that flaw? How could they overlook that they were never told at what time of day the drowning happened? But even so it was well established that George and Cindy were at work after Casey left for her fake job, Casey’s cell phone pinged for the next four hours from the Anthony neighborhood after George was seen crossing a toll on his way to work. She is then seen again that evening at blockbuster with her man and no Caylee. She is unaccounted for for four hours. This is conclusive evidence that whatever happened to Caylee did not happen while George or Cindy were in the home and only Casey had access to Caylee. Had they asked for a timeline in the deliberation room, this would have made it clear, but they didn't.

To my utter horror people around me who had not followed this case other than in the media, were now proclaiming to me that there was reasonable doubt, that the evidence did not link Casey, that the detectives right down to the FBI “botched this”.

They say that the defense came up strong with reasonable doubt. But I know all of this is false, because I was watching the trial, I was glued to jury selection, I watched every motion argued, read every report, watched all the depositions, witnessed defense lawyers join the team then quit. I watched Cheney mason claim Casey was lying and was guilty right before he did an about face and joined the team. I was there on July 15th when this was just creeping up in the media and in my very first post about this case I put up a picture of Casey after she was first arrested, her smiling young face was to me at the time a contradiction of what an abusive murdering mother would look like. I was conflicted by the indifference and criminal act of a mother not reporting her daughter missing and the smiling face of a pretty young woman looking back at me. I thought to myself, “This can’t be right, there must be another explanation”. I sincerely believe this is how the jury felt when they looked at Casey, that this could not be true, that this mother could not have drugged her daughter, suffocated her with duct tape, tripled bagged her and then thrown her body in her car trunk to then go rent a movie with her boyfriend. There are people saying this motive of wanting to be free was ridiculous. Why would Casey kill her child in order to be with this new boyfriend? That is the most popular motive for mothers who kill their children and why men kill their entire families.

Susan Smith drove her kids into a lake and watched them drown just because her new boyfriend told her he was not into raising another man’s kids. Susan Smith was molested and raped for years by her stepfather, who admitted on the witness stand that he did indeed have sex with Susan while she was a child. Susan was evaluated and was diagnosed with several mental problems, her story about being carjacked was only proven false by a stop light that she claims was red, but would only be triggered red if another vehicle was coming through, she told investigators that there were no other cars in the intersection. That one lie got Susan Smith a life sentence, she confessed after 9 days even though there was no DNA, fingerprints, eyewitness, or video capture of the incident, but then again Susan Smith looks like this:

Darlie Routier another mother sentenced to death for the murder of her son. Darlie said an intruder came in and stabbed her and her two sons, she herself sustained stab wounds, and ultimately her lies got her sentenced to death. Some of the strongest evidence against Darlie was that when taken in the ambulance herself she never asked how the boys were (well we all know Casey admitted that on the day Caylee died she slept over Tony’s house and stayed in bed with him all day the following day, talk about indifference), but we are to believe everyone grieves differently. Her case was based on circumstantial evidence and blood splatter. She was still sentenced to death by lethal injection and you guessed it, she looks like this:

Diane Downs is accused of shooting herself and her three children, killing one, she claims she was carjacked. When she drives to the hospital she is immediately suspected because she was “just too calm for a mother whose children had just been shot”. Another child killer who claims she was molested by daddy and who is accused of trying to kill her children because she wanted to continue an affair. She got 25 years to life. She looks like this:

I can literally go on and on about mother’s who kill their children for men and wanting to be free, so for anyone to say that the prosecution’s motive for Casey killing her daughter was silly, you obviously do not know how many cases there are out there with the same ingredients. Parents kill their children for a lot less these days like the child crying while the parent is playing a video game, this was a case I just read about last week!

The difference between these mothers and Casey are that these mothers did not get rid of the bodies and lie about the child’s whereabouts for weeks. They didn’t stall until the body was turned to bones. They don’t have pretty little childlike faces to pout and rub during testimony.

Casey wanted to continue her relationship with a boyfriend who would often text her “Can’t you get someone to watch the offspring?” “Where is the offspring’s nanny?” And she did not want Caylee or her parents in her way.

The evidence against Casey that was ignored by the jury because in my opinion they just could not get over her appearance and her claim that daddy and her bother molested her and she was a victim of a scary family. Also the misconception that one needs DNA, an eyewitness or video tape of the murder in order to find someone guilty even of the lesser charge of manslaughter in this case, is based on silly TV shows that offer this evidence continuously every half hour. Combine this with Cheney Mason and Jose Baez talking for hours about how the law says they have to find her not guilty because they don’t know how Caylee died, even though the duct tape on the skull is evidence that the child was purposely suffocated, lead a weak and lazy jury to make of it what they wanted to believe even though there was no evidence to suggest it.

One alternate juror actually said he felt sorry for Casey and that her father seemed suspect, even though the evidence did not support any other possible reasonable theory, other than Casey being the killer. Another Juror said there was no confirmed cause of death therefore they felt there was no proof of murder even though this body was mere bones and cause of death was impossible to confirm, although the duct tape fixed over the mouth holding the jaw bone together was proof enough that this was no accident. There are people who are convicted with less evidence and no bodies. No cause of death for Laci Peterson and one hair with a death band found in Scott Peterson’s boat and he sits on death row.


Her lies and continuous story shifts. For 31 days Casey lied to her family and friends about Caylee’s location. She was her normal bubbly self, attending parties, drinking dancing, hanging out with her new friends. She was texting, updating facebook and getting tattoos. She showed no emotional loss of anything. She was shedding no tears. She was doing and acting no different. Her lies would have continued had her mother not discovered her abandoned car in a tow yard. The absence of guilt worry and emotion lends to the evidence that there was no concern. If you apply the drowning theory, this means that just minutes after seeing her baby dead in the arms of her father, she was able to adjust to life just fine, not ever concerned or worried or interested in what was going to happen to her baby’s body. That she desired no resting place to visit. Common sense screams out to you that this is not how a loving mother reacts.

She parked and left her smelly car near a dumpster and filled the trunk with garbage bags from her boyfriend’s house. Since it was a parking spot I imagine she didn’t think it would be towed. The garbage and the dumpster would mask the smell of death from her car. This is unchallengeable evidence because her boyfriend picked her up from this location, meaning that it is factual that Casey dumped her car, not her daddy. The garbage was from here man's house, confirmed to be his. How would George get Tony's garbage if he didn't even know he existed?

There were 3 versions of her story, the last was the drowning story that incriminated her father and accused both her dad and her brother of sexual abuse which her defense presented at trial during opening statements but never offered up evidence of. The defense claimed this was the reason for her lies, not that she was hiding something just that molested children lie. For three years she stood accused of murder and never once uttered the words “accident”. She sat in jail, bounced in and out on bond and never uttered the words “accident” to anyone. When the accident theory was offered by many people, she rejected it with scorn and sarcasm and laughter. The jury was instructed that the opening statement of the defense about the drowning and the abuse should not be accepted as evidence unless the defense showed evidence of this during trial. We know they didn’t and so the jury did not follow this instruction.

Her indifference to her child’s death. Her lawyers claim she came upon her little girl’s dead body while in the arms of her father and that Casey cried and cried. By the evening she was walking through blockbuster in her boyfriend’s arms. When did this so called drowning happen? There is no evidence that the drowning was even a possibility. George Anthony left for work by 2:00 pm. After Casey is seen leaving her home with Caylee at around noon and George’s easy pass crosses a toll, Casey’s cell phone pings are still near her house for the next 4 hours she is alone with Caylee, until she reappears at blockbuster with no Caylee. Caylee is never seen or heard from again.

George Anthony denies having an affair with a volunteer. The volunteer who denied the affair to authorities, but not to the national enquirer, claims George told her it was mistake that snowballed out of control. However, the prosecution proved that she could not determine if he meant “he thought it could have been accident” or if he said he knew it was an accident. The judge instructs the jury that the volunteer’s statement could not be used as evidence to the guilt or innocence of Casey Anthony and should only be considered to impeach George Anthony regarding the affair. Again as we hear from jurors saying one of the reasons they found her not guilty was because of this witness' testimony. We learn again that the jury did not follow the instructions from the judge.

After Casey left the home on June 16th, her car was exclusively in her position as evidence showed Casey was telling her parents she was in Tampa, Jacksonville, and various other places. The evidence also shows from June 16 – June 23th Casey is with Tony and is not seen by her parents.

On June 18th while her parents are at work she backs her car into her parent’s garage and then borrows a shovel from a neighbor.

On June 23rd Casey and Tony break into her parent’s shed to steal gas cans and gas for her car.

On June 24th she is back at the Anthony home but is surprised when she finds her dad at home, he was supposed to be at work. Her dad tries to get something out of her car but she refuses to let him near her car trunk. She fights with him, returns the gas cans and leaves in a huff.

On or about June 16th she changes her facebook and other passwords to Timer55. She later explains to Lee Anthony that this password is connected with Caylee’s disappearance. It would have been 55 days since June 16th until Caylee’s 3rd birthday when no one was going to accept that Caylee was with the nanny anymore, this was her reminder to get a new lie started or flee. She also erases hundreds of photos of Caylee from her photobucket account.

Her lies continue until July 15th when her mother finds her not in Jacksonville where she claimed to be, but at Tony’s house a boyfriend her parents didn’t even know she had. She at first pretends everything is fine, but when her mother calls police, she then tells her first story about the leaving Caylee with the nanny and the nanny taking her.

Casey’s lies about where she worked, various people who she claims knew about the kidnapping all turn out to be false, including her nanny. Detective John Allen and Yuri Mellich confront her about her lies they ask her if Caylee’s death was an accident, she denies it several times. Continues to insist there is a nanny. She even goes so far as to say she spoke to Caylee that very day.

She later changes her story to cover up her negligence and claims the baby was taken by force at a park, by the nanny and the nanny’s sister.

Casey’s car is taken into evidence. A hair in the trunk of Casey’s car belongs to Caylee and has the characteristics of a death band, this is the same science used to convict Scott Peterson of 1st degree murder with no cause of death. Prosecutors go to great lengths to show how reliable the science is. It was only one hair, but since the body was triple bagged this is a miracle hair. Jose Baez proceeds to lie to the jury during his closing about this type of science never being used in a capital murder case and this being the first time in Florida. This is false as we all know this convicted Scott Peterson. But the lack of understanding made this jury toss this as they trusted his word on that.

Coffin wax, coffin flies, maggots and adipose all found in the trunk of the car, all products of decomposition. Caylee was bagged 3 times which makes this evidence also an amazing find. The smell of death verified by science and numerous sources, including her mother and father. The garbage in the trunk was proven by evidence that it could NOT have produced any of the above scientific evidence, confirmed by both the defense and prosecution evidence. The garbage contained no food. This means the flies, the wax; the adipose could not have been from anything other than a decomposing body, confirmed by the smell and death band hair. Why the jury could not accept this evidence is beyond me and they at least should have looked it over one time during deliberations. Jose Baez even admits in his closing that the car may have been used to transport the body. The jury should have gone over the evidence that confirmed Casey only had access to this car.

Extremely high levels of chloroform are found in the trunk of the car. Chloroform in a product of decomposition, we all produce this when we decompose, this alone is again proof that a body decomposed in that car, but to add that the levels where shockingly high connects the computer evidence. Jose claimed since the trunk was not visually dirty then there was no body. If Caylee is bagged three times and we still find her hair, flies, maggots, coffin wax, chloroform and adipose in that car it means this car was not clean. A juror claimed the chloroform could have been from cleaning products, what kind of cleaning product leaves the likes of the above all over the car trunk? common sense again ignored.

Computer analysts find searches for “how to make chloroform”, “neck breaking”, “house hold weapons”, and “head injuries” etc. on the home computer under Casey’s login conducted at a time Casey was the only one home to make these searches. Her mother tried to claim the searches were hers but was impeached by her work records. George Anthony was not living at home at the time, nor was Lee.

The body is found 15 houses away from the Anthony home.

Caylee was found in shorts and a T-shirt and a non chlorine filled pull-up– not in PJ’s that she would have to be wearing if she crawled in the pool in the early morning hours while Casey slept. It is said she was found without shoes and this was somehow proof she was in the pool. But we have statements from Casey that the police never even found “all of her clothes”. If you kill a child in your home you do not have to put shoes on them before bagging them.

The body was disposed of with a baby blanket taken from the Anthony home, a laundry bag from the Anthony home and then placed in two garbage bags.

The body is heavily decomposed to bones and is partially scattered among the debris. Duct tape is found over the mouth and nose of the skull keeping the jaw in place. There is expert testimony from BOTH sides that each said the tape had to be over the mouth in order to have kept the jaw in place, before decomposition. It is impossible for a jaw to stay in place while a body decomposes unless something is keeping it together. THIS IS ALSO IGNORED.

The defense’s outrages claim that Roy Kronk the meter reader who found the body actually took the body home and was the one to place the duct tape over the mouth and nose after it was already reduced to bones is not only ridiculous and meaningless and against all logic, but it was disputed by the plant growth at the body dump. The plant roots were growing through the skull, bag and baby blanket, indicating this body was not staged or moved and placed there by the killer.

The duct tape was a rare brand from the Anthony home.

Dog handlers hit both on Casey’s car and near the playhouse in the Anthony back yard. This was conclusive with the claim that Casey tried to bury her in the backyard of the home on the day the shovel was borrowed while both her parents were at work.

There was only one possible killer and no reasonable doubt leading to anyone else:

Casey was the only one who had motive:

Her lies were falling apart. One of her lies served to set up the foundation for a need to leave the state (her fake relationship with the imaginary rich Jeff Hopkins). Her new boyfriend was not into kids. Her new life was being threatened because her mother had insisted she take care of her child. Her stealing was discovered, her fake job was on the cusp of being found out and Caylee was talking and was not going to keep up with the lies Casey was telling. For 31 one days she lived the best life she had lived since Caylee was born.

Casey was the only one with the opportunity:

She had complete access and control of Caylee’s whereabouts. Cindy was at work on June 16th and George was at work by 2pm. Casey was seen without Caylee by late that evening. Casey was seen leaving her home with Caylee at noon by George. Her computer shows she was on IM, Facebook from the early morning of June 16th until about the time George says they left.

Casey had the means:

She had access to Caylee. She had complete control of Caylee. She was the last to be seen with Caylee. She was the only one with access to car after June 16th. She had access to the duct tape. She had access to the baby blanket, laundry bag and garbage bags.

Although my enormous post can’t change the fact that she will walk free next week, it helped me release some of the anger and confusion I felt about the jury’s verdict. I think they were confused by doubt vs. reasonable doubt and what is not reasonable to me may have been to them. But I just wish the 6 jurors who wanted to convict of the lesser charge of manslaughter would have stuck it out, asked for evidence and read backs to help make their case to the other 6 not guilty jurors. I don’t think they gave this case enough time. I think they were bamboozled by the defense’s explanation of why they couldn’t convict not realizing that the evidence was all that mattered, not claims by the defense that the state just wants to win. I think this was a huge mistake and that we will not hear the last from Casey as a person like this, especially after getting away with the biggest of all sins, will continue to use and abuse and hurt in this world. Common sense was ignored.

Rest in Peace Caylee Marie Anthony

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Closing arguments in the Jason Young trial

I did not want to get too busy by following the Casey Anthony trial to not bring back the story of beautiful Michelle Young. Today the closing arguments against her husband Jason Young have been completed and I believe at 2:30 pm the case will go to the jury.

The defense's closing was very technical and a shake off of the evidence.

But the prosecution came back strong with the full story and the DNA on the rock that Jason used to prop open the exit door of the motel he was staying at so that he would not be seen returning in the early morning hours after driving home to murder his pregnant wife.

Below was my latest blog post on this case.

It has been 3 years since the brutal murder of Michelle Young and her unborn son Rylan on the night of November 3, 2006.

Jason Young's life since that night has been filled with bad luck and has not been what I imagine he planned it would be after killing his wife and unborn baby. I bet he thought he would be free to frequent gay bars and continue to sleep with Michelle's college friends while at the very same time spend the insurance money he had placed on Michelle and was waiting to collect.

Instead he has spent the last few years almost in hiding. He lost custody of his now 5 year old daughter to his in laws and was found responsible for Michelle's death in civil case where he was ordered to pay Michelle's family millions of dollars.

It is so gratifying to read that Jason has finally been arrested and charge with the murder of Michelle Young.

On Monday, December 14th it took one of two investigators just 20 minutes to convince a grand jury to charge Jason Young with the premeditated murder of his wife. This tells me that investigators spent three years building a solid case against this monster and it will finally be worth the wait.

No bond has yet been set which confirms that he will spend Christmas behind bars where he belongs.

Three years ago Michelle was found bludgeoned to death on her bedroom floor by her sister who was urged by Jason Young to go over to the home. It was always clear to me he did so in order to have Michelle's body discovered and to get his then 2 year old daughter rescued from an empty house and bloody crime scene.

The unbelievable notion that this man killed his pregnant wife so violently while his little daughter was at home is simply cruel and warrants the death penalty. He then left his baby girl in the house with his beaten lifeless wife on the floor.

Jason claimed he was traveling on a business trip and left his home while Michelle had company, instead he drove to a hotel a few hours away and checked in, changed his clothes and drove back to his home, where he entered, possibly surprising Michelle and then beating her. At some point his daughter entered the bloody room leaving her footprints in several areas.

It is suspected Jason cleaned his daughter's feet off, changed her clothes and gave her a heavy dose of Tylenol hoping she would sleep through the night (she was found the very next day with clean clothes and feet). He then fled the home and began his drive to his parent's house.

The very next morning Jason Young called his sister in law and left her several messages to go over to his home to retrieve a fax detailing a gift for Michelle that he wanted to keep a surprise. Michelle's sister did not understand his urgency and took her time getting there, and when she did she found her sister murdered and her niece alone.

Jason Young refused to cooperate with police from the very beginning.

I look forward to seeing the other evidence against Jason and seeing him finally pay the piper.

Read Previous Blog Post on this story:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Caylee Marie Anthony

Three years ago tomorrow, June 16th, Caylee Marie Anthony died. Her mother Casey Anthony is currently on trial for the first degree murder of Caylee. Today the prosecution rested it's case against the defendant.

It is disturbing that the defense will present their case on the very day both the prosecution and defense agree Caylee died.

After the prosecution rested I was disappointed about the amount of detail their case left out. I know more than I'd like to admit about this case, some may say I became obsessed with it after seeing the first pictures of Caylee in the news. It doesn't feel like it has been three years. The details that were left out in retrospect seemed important, but after some thought I realized the reasons for omitting them were clear.

It is the claim/theory of the defense that on June 16th 2008 both Casey and George Anthony were home alone with Caylee. At some point George asked Casey,"Where is Caylee?" After searching the home, both father and daughter found themselves in the backyard where to their horror they found Caylee floating it the pool. The defense claims in their opening statement that Casey took Caylee into her arms and "cried and cried and cried" while George screamed "Look what you did! Your mother will never forgive you! You will go to jail for child neglect"

The defense doesn't claim either one of them tried CPR on the child, none of them attempted to call 911 or call anyone for help. Actually the defense ends their tale there, no explanation of what came next. They alluded to the theory that George Anthony took the body and "handled it" by placing duct tape on it to stage something of a kidnapping, then they jump to Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found Caylee's body and claim he at some point gained possession of Caylee's body and hid it until a reward was announced for Caylee's recovery. It is fair to write here as fact that there was NO reward for the recovery of Caylee's remains, there was ONLY a reward for recovering a LIVE Caylee. To make this fact seem insignificant the defense suggest Roy Kronk didn't read the "fine print" about Caylee having to be alive.

I think if a man goes through the trouble of stealing the dead corpse of a child with amazing intel on where that child was secretly placed, that he would read and reread the reward specifics.

To explain Casey's many many lies (she lied 90 times during detective questioning at universal- yes I counted) they came up with sexual abuse by her father. That he was abusing her from the age of 8 and because of this Casey was "taught" to lie.

Jurors are not supposed to take opening statements as evidence and opening statements cannot be referred to as fact during the trial, lawyers have to introduce evidence in order to bring in the information.

I now understand why the state left out some of the witnesses and details I so wanted to see, such as:

Witness Roy Kronk - I thought why not bring Kronk up to address the defense claim that he stole the body, hid it and then placed it in the woods, called 911 in order to claim the reward? The state was brilliant here. Since the defense's opening statement is not fact, had the prosecution referred to it, then it would have opened the door for the defense to openly address the Kronk connection during their cross examination and further their claim. Instead the defense will be forced to call Kronk as their own witness and when they do they can't refer to their opening statement and will not be able to asked those key questions.

Witness Jesse Grund - I thought Jesse would have been a great witness he was Casey's fiancé who she lied to and named the father of Caylee. Jesse Grund wanted a paternity test and found out he wasn't the father. Casey lied to him many times. However, Casey did tell Jesse that she was abused by her brother Lee. She also told Jesse that she found a nanny named Zanny who would take care of Caylee after the Grund's could no longer babysit, which was when Caylee was a year old. The state was wise to avoid Grund as they would have again introduced the abuse mentioned in the opening statement.

Another item not mentioned:
Casey's diary of days - from her Myspace
“On the worst of worst days, remember the words spoken
Trust no one, only yourself.
With great power, comes great consequence.
What is given can be taken away.
Everyone Lies.
Everyone Dies.”
- I think this could not be introduced as Casey would have to explain what it meant.

The syringe found at the body site: this syringe was in a Gatorade bottle and had chloroform in it, it also had testosterone. I wonder why this was not introduced as evidence, this to me was huge. I guess explaining the testosterone would have been difficult.

The prosecution's evidence is overwhelming even without these tidbits and I look forward to their rebuttal of the defense's case. Today we learned the motive was the Casey vs. Cindy Anthony relationship. I daughter who did not want her own mother to have the satisfaction of taking custody of her child but also did not want her child to be a burden on her lifestyle. So she did what she had to do to avoid both.

Below are my thoughts on some evidence that folks are saying the prosecution lacked or were weak on.

No fingerprint on the duct tape?: - well since the tape was on the face of the decomposing child the "sticky" part was completely gone as was testified in court. No sticky part to preserve the fingerprint. The lack of the print isn't surprising and it doesn't mean it wasn't there at one time.

Only one Caylee hair in the entire trunk?: Considering little Caylee was bagged three times I am surprised and impressed that they found that one hair. That one hair was identified as having the death band from a decomposing Caylee.

No cause of death or proof of chloroform poisoning: the body was in the woods for 6 months, during which a storm came through Florida, the body was reduced to bones, there was no tissue to test for poisoning, no lungs to test for drowning, no neck to show strangulation and no internal organs. As Dr. G stated gathering information on poisoning from dry bones is rare and difficult. However extremely "shockingly" high levels of chloroform were found in the defendant's trunk along with coffin wax, paper towels drenched with adipose and coffin flies. Not to mention her over 30 visits to the chloroform page from her search for how to make chloroform in google.

I believe the defense will call Casey Anthony to the stand. I hope they do.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

People Disappear

Unfortunately people disappear every day on this planet. They disappear into thin air, no trace, no sound, no trail.

A second cousin of mine by the name of Robert Vasquez disappeared in 2005; here is his listing on Missing in NYC Robert is missing.

I wonder if they even work on his case. Is his story in some wrinkled folder in some brown box, dormant, no heartbeat, and no pulse?

Robert and I used to sit on my front steps and talk for hours about life and the unfortunate realities in our own lives. He was a good guy, deeply passionate and extremely smart. When I moved, we drifted apart. I would see him from time to time, but eventually I didn’t. I found out through family members that he vanished. I heard he became disoriented and developed some type of mental problem, but even so, does he not deserve to be found? No foul play suspected, so the assumption is he walked away.

A friend of mine recently contacted me about his friend Dennis Mullan of Virginia, who came to visit NYC for the New Year to witness the Times Square ball drop to announce the arrival of 2011. Dennis travelled to NYC alone, but told his mother he was visiting friends here. There is a surveillance video showing Dennis enter a cab outside of his hotel. He remains missing, his belongings left in his hotel room, including his cell phone and bags. No one knows where he was going; no one knows where he arrived or why he left. He is not even listed as missing on the NYC missing person government site and there are no mainstream media articles about his case. Does he not deserve to be found? But it is assumed Dennis walked away from his life.

It seems in most cases, law enforcement can only assume a person has walked away from their life. They imagine this person awoke and decided their life was too hard and that it was time to leave friends and family, their money in their bank accounts, all of their belongings and just vanish, hoping to start a new life, with a new name and the same face.

But for one person this decision under the most difficult circumstances may be an easy one to reach, but an entire family?

I have become obsessed with a case in which a family of four seems to have vanished into thin air. Missing is the McStay family from Fallbrook, California.

A little over a year ago the McStay family bought a new home in Fallbrook, CA; to anyone from the outside this home is beautiful and an American family’s dream. Much weight has been placed after the disappearance on Summer McStay’s disappointment in having to move. After the family disappeared several home movies were found where you could hear Summer making her opinions known about her dislike of the house and new neighborhood. According to family and friends, Summer loved their small beach front apartment and made quite a fuss about the move. Summer loved the beach and the move up into the mountains was at times too much for her.

The McStays needed more of a living space for their two young boys and Joseph and Summer finally agreed and the move was made. Eventually, Summer got over it and was excited about renovating her home. Joseph McStay was doing what any father or husband would do, trying his best to provide for his family and give them the benefit of owning their own spacious home. Joseph was in business for himself and designed lavish water fountains for a living, he made good money and it seemed their finances were stable.

February 4th began like any normal day for the McStays, Joseph made business calls. There is evidence that Summer shopped online, used her computer, spoke to her sister and made plans to visit her sister and new nephew.

At 7:47 p.m. a neighbor's security surveillance video catches what looks like the McStay’s vehicle leaving the cul de sac, the driver and occupants of the vehicle cannot be seen.

At 8:28pm Joseph makes a final call from his cell phone to his business partner (this call last only 1 minute). This is the last anyone would speak to Joseph.

For the next two days, family and friends call the McStay home but are unable to reach them. They send text messages and receive no response.

Joseph’s brother arrives at the home on February 13th to check on the family, he soon notices the McStay’s two dogs have been left outside with very little food and water. He gets into the house through an open window but finds nothing strange, however no sign of his brother, Summer or the children. He leaves and assumes the family is just out.

He later receives a call from animal control that reports the two dogs have been left outside with no food or water for over a week. Immediately the family realizes the McStays would never leave their beloved dogs out to starve.

On February 15th after several attempts by family to find them turn up nothing, a missing persons report is filed and law enforcement is notified. When the deputies enter the home, unlike Joseph’s brother, they find disturbing clues of a family who seems to have left in a hurry, including eggs and food rotting on the kitchen counter and two small bowls filled with popcorn left on the sofa. The family seems to have been living out of the sitting area as the rest of the house was being painted or worked on.

It looked like the McStays left their home either in a hurry or they left but assumed they would be back very quickly.

During the investigation a lot of information is examined. Searches of the McStay’s computer turn up clues that send law enforcement to examine the Mexican border. The first is inquiries made for language software to learn Spanish, in addition there were searches on what documents are needed to cross into Mexico, specifically for children all made around Jan. 27 and Jan. 28. There is no evidence however that the kids had passports and it seems Joseph was the only one with a valid passport because Summer’s was expired.

Law enforcement visits the nearest border crossing into Mexico which is 80 miles away from the McStay home. The detectives go through border surveillance at the nearest border crossing and come up with what they suspect may be the entire family walking across into Mexico with just the clothes on their backs on February 8th, four days after the last sighting of the family. Later that day they discovered the family’s vehicle parked in a lot near the crossing. Parking lot Security tells law enforcement that the vehicle was likely parked there from 5:30 to 7pm on February 8th.

Border Video

Various family members insist the family in the video is not the missing family. Some friends and family members agree that it looks like Summer and the kids but not Joseph, others say the children look like the children, but the adults are not the McStays. All of these thoughts are chilling and haunting.

Additional Interesting Information

The McStays had over $100k in their bank account, this money remains untouched along with credit cards, cell phones etc. There has been no activity on any of their accounts.

Summer McStay is in fact not named Summer and has changed her name at least twice in her lifetime. Here are some of her names: Lisa Aranda, Virginia Lisa Aranda, Summer Martelli, Summer McStay and Lisa Aranda Martelli.

Summer did not like to tell people she was Hispanic and really wanted to be Italian.

Summer was searching online for a homeopathic drug called “ANGER” which was said to help relieve the feeling of anger when sprayed into your mouth and tongue.

Summer once declined to go on a family vacation to Mexico because she thought it was too “dangerous” for her children.

If the McStay’s were last seen and heard from on February 4th – where were they from the 4th to the 8th when their vehicle was seen parked at the border parking lot and the images of the family crossing the border were documented? They had to be somewhere for those 4 days.

In the vehicle’s trunk were large toys that seemed to have just been bought.

Nothing was taken from the home according to the detectives.

On January 29th – Joseph met with two individuals at one of his son’s soccer games to discuss a purchase of the Spanish language software off of Craigslist.

The specific border crossing in question does not require any documentation to cross and does not take names, or photos of individuals crossing. Once inside Mexico there are no cameras recording anyone entering the country. Even upon your return into the USA, you may just need a driver’s license to get back in.

Detectives seem to know how much cash the family had on them and insist it was not enough to care for a family of four in Mexico or anywhere for that matter.

The last call Joseph made to his business partner was almost an hour after the entire family or Joseph leaves the home. Why was it only a minute long? After this call the phones go dead.

Although detectives have not stated that any clothing was taken from the house, Tim Miller (of Equuasearch) said he noticed clothing was missing from the home. However, the border crossing video shows a family with ZERO bags.

On the day they disappeared Joseph told his mother he didn’t feel well "Joe told me he wasn't feeling good that day. His equilibrium wasn't right and I felt something was wrong."

A sighting of the family in Mexico turned up because one of the little boys has a large pink birthmark on his forehead. A waiter says he was sure it was the McStay children because of the boy’s birthmark; he says the adults at the table were looking over a map. The waiter kept the map and forensic testing was done. Fingerprints were found, but they were not the McStay’s.

My Theory or Theories:

I think I have three theories in all. I go back and forth on them. I tried not to make them so complicated, because in reality these kinds of things are simpler but more horrifying.

Theory One – the most innocent:

From all of the photos I have seen, videos I have seen and stories I have read about Summer and Joseph, I have come to see them as a free spirited couple. I think when they met they were young and lived everyday on an open flow, never wanting to be ordinary or mainstream, they shared a love of the ocean and the beach. I think Summer was the most free of the two and just enjoyed being different and unique, changing her name was more of an expression of herself and it was exciting. They had children and tried desperatly to hold on to the free life, but with kids comes a lot of responsibility and living the surfer life was trying on Joseph who with his children maybe wanted a more traditional life for his boys. A house, dogs and the American dream. I think Summer rebelled against that and I believe they fought about this, with Joseph being told he was conforming, he wasn’t fun anymore or exciting. Maybe she even thought he lost his sense of adventure.

The move to Fallbrook maybe was Summer’s breaking point, going along with her husband out of loyalty and love, but in the end she was just not happy. I think they fought about this a lot and perhaps at her computer Summer began to think and imagine a new life in Mexico on the beach with the kids living simply again. Where they could ALL change their names and just go on this adventure together.

Maybe she wore Joseph down and on February 4th perhaps they took a drive and maybe they knew who to go to and get fake papers done for new identities. Perhaps it took four days to complete and during that time they finalized plans in Mexico away from their home. She left the food out because she didn’t care as she new she would not return.

Maybe they crossed into Mexico together, left their car because they didn’t want to be found. Maybe they don’t care that they are worrying their families – it has only been a year. Perhaps they will call.

But why leave all that money behind? Maybe they left it for the abandoned house? Perhaps they thought, leaving the house AND taking the money would make it a criminal act?

Theory Two – the split:

It bothers me that Joseph felt sick on February 4th and that he was dizzy. Summer’s search for the drug “Anger” is also worrying. Who was angry and who needed this drug?

Was there a fight on February 4th? Did mom hurt dad or did dad hurt mom? The food out on the counter and the uneaten bowls of popcorn scare me too. Did one parent rush the kids out to the car with a sick spouse? But the call Joseph made to his business partner an hour after the car is seen leaving is also strange. Who is this business partner? Did he actually speak to Joseph or was it Summer? Did Joseph’s phone just dial on its own?

From February 4th to February 8th – were one of these parents hiding a body? Or bodies? Did it take 4 days to figure out how to escape? Was the vehicle left at the mall parking lot near the border to make law enforcement believe they fled to Mexico and it just so happens another family who is not the McStays crossed the border and falsely reinforced the planted border info?

Perhaps Summer changed her name and looks and hurt Joseph? Or could it be the other way around?

Is it Summer in the video (officers say her clothing matches clothing missing from the home that she often wears) but is that NOT Joseph?

Theory Three – a family gone:

Summer often ordered items off line. She used Craiglist a lot and was always searching for a deal. Perhaps she met someone evil who began to look at the family closely, maybe became interested in the children. Perhaps these people got a good look at the kids at the soccer game. Maybe they befriended the family and completed a few transactions and gained their trust.

Maybe the night of February 4th someone arrived at their home unannounced and convinced them to take a drive to pick up items for the home. Maybe the drive was to be short and they were to return quickly. They leave and are met with evil at the meeting place.

Perhaps it is the children crossing the border but not the McStays. Maybe the adults took the McStay’s clothing posed as them and the children were the motive the entire time. Which would explain the sighting in Mexico but the wrong fingerprints.

The four days were used to dispose of the parents and formulate a plan.

Maybe on February 4th Joseph left the home alone to meet someone, made his one minute innocent call to his business partner, but when he reached his destination he was taken. It could be that later in the night, these persons went to the house and surprised Summer, taking her and the children by force.

Maybe this was a business deal gone bad and this business partner knows more?

Could it be that Joseph did something for money in order to buy the dream home that was unsavory and was fleeing danger and now they are afraid to reach out to family, because they want to be missing? Hiding for 4 days then crossing the border under the cover of night?

I want to believe they are alive.